Walking the Labyrinth of 2021

Labyrinths are ancient symbols of wholeness, representing a meandering but purposeful journey (Healing Consciousness Foundation, 2021). For some, the labyrinth represents a transformative path to our own center and then back out again to share with the world.

Walking a labyrinth is a contemplative practice with many purposes.

For some, walking a labyrinth is done with a simple intention: to enhance relaxation and mindfulness. We can mindfully walk the path to the center and then exit by reversing the path outward. As you take slow intentional steps inward, imagine the visual of thoughts swirling much like the path you are walking. On the trip outward, the thoughts unwind with each step of the return, finding peace, ease, and clarity of mind. 

Some people walk a labyrinth with a more specific intention. For example, you may ask a question at the beginning of the labyrinth. Your walk toward the center of the labyrinth represents your process of going inward for your own answers. You might also think of it as embarking on an inward journey to the depths of your own consciousness to retrieve the answers you seek.

The labyrinth may also provide a metaphorical representation of our individual and collective journeys.  Each time I gave birth, I envisioned the pregnancy leading up to the birth as my walk into the labyrinth. After the birth, my body / family / lifestyle all went through a process of reorienting to the new little person in our lives, all of us making our way out of the labyrinth and adjusting to the new, transformed world we were now inhabiting.

Collectively, we may all find ourselves in a labyrinth right now…. a labyrinth of pandemic proportions.

This ancient symbol of wholeness is a helpful reminder to me during these confusing days of reorienting to the world after being locked down at home for too many months. I imagine us as a collective just barely making our trip back out from the center of the labyrinth, everything a bit hazy and each of us squinting a bit as we try to make sense of life now in this changed world. We might each be experiencing the walk out of the labyrinth differently…

Some are still scared and unsure, feeling timid and wanting to cling to the center a bit longer…perhaps more answers will come if we stay still.

Some are bolting at full speed to get out of the labyrinth, tripping over ourselves and anything else getting in our way…masks flying and arms outstretched for hugs and physical connection.

Some are cautiously taking steps to journey out of the labyrinth, noticing how it feels with each step and adjusting as needed.

How are you journeying out of the current collective labyrinth?  

In the spirit of contemplative practice, I invite you to consider making a labyrinth for yourself at home or finding a labyrinth near you. There are several where I live in the Roanoke Valley. Last weekend I walked a labyrinth in Harrisonburg at White Oak Lavender Farm.

Here’s what you do…

Walk, dance, or move through the labyrinth to honor the journey inward, however painful it has been. Take a moment of pause at the center, posing a question or just taking time to reflect, open up, and receive any intuitive information that arises. Then, when it feels right, continue your journey of walking, dancing, or moving along the path out of the labyrinth and emerging once again on the outside.

Take some time to reflect or journal about insights you had along this journey. What guidance came through your mind, body, or movement as you followed the labyrinth inward? What felt different on the journey outward? What feelings and sensations arose? How did you feel inclined to move – in expected or unexpected ways?

Are we willing to honor and respect each person’s unique experience of coming out of this labyrinth?

Can we refrain from judgment and instead hold compassionate space for others to take this journey in the way that feels best to them?



Healing Consciousness Foundation (2021). “Labyrinth Symbol”. Retrieved from https://www.thehealingconsciousness.com/symbolic-meanings/labyrinth/


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